In this few months, not only have go to fac study but also have a nice tour to HUKM and Jabatan Pertahanan Awam. I feel that my course was so special because we are compulsory to take the JPA3 as our co-curiculum and no excuse. Do u want to join us?
Haha..this is my first time played the fire hose. Do u play it before? Want to play it, come n join us.....
haiz....after the whole day stand under the sun, all of us take a group photo in front of JPA3 lo.
They say next sem have to come back for matching test again.....dun wan la. very tired ah
Lengzai n lenglui
After the e-med class in HUKM then we all take a
Group photo in HUKM.........
Photo session .......
my mentee mate
my buddy mates
farewell party to my buddy mate because she want to left us and go to study psychology. very miss her oooo.......